Review By Sara E. Yood
December 8, 2015

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Dynastic. That's the one word I need to describe the quality of this single — one word which, when applied to Voices in Your Head as a group, defines the trajectory of this ensemble over the past few years.
Heroes Listen starts with a punch of a choral opener and then a slow burn as the group builds and releases. The arrangement is structured so that waves of sound move in and out, creating texture that keeps drawing the listener back in.
I love the imperfections in this recording — the group frequently sings in homophony and some consonants don't land at the exact same time. That's good here — it contributes to a true expression of actual emotion. The lighter hand with editing means that you can sometimes pick out individual voices, and this, too, is an asset; Voices in Your Head's strength over the years has been reminding us that a cappella is, ultimately, just a collection of voices.
Heroes Listen is exactly the kind of single I want to hear from a group this talented — clean, bright, moving, and pure.